DBL and GIZ partners with Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense

DBL Group and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zussamenarbeit Bangladesh (GIZ) in cooperation with Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense (BFSCD) established the first Mini Fire Brigade (MFB) – rapid response and risk reduction, in Bangladesh.

The critical location of garment factories due to narrow roads and heavy traffic make it more difficult for the BFSCD to provide emergency services in a timely manner. Thus, in addition to the existing fire services in Bangladesh, a Mini Fire Station (MFS) or more specifically Rapid Response Unit can play an important role to prevent and control industrial fire, to keep fires within narrow limits and save lives and damage of properties until additional fire-fighting units arrive at the place of incident.

Providing emergency services in a timely manner becomes difficult due to the locations of the existing factories, where narrow roads and heavy traffic are barriers for fire trucks. In this regards, establishment of the Mini-Fire Brigade is an important step forward.

DBL Group provided the land and infrastructure required to house the MFB in Kashimpur, Gazipur. The objective of the MFB is to prevent fire in the industrial buildings around the Kashimpur-Konabari industrial cluster. GIZ provided equipment to support the MFB, including micro fire extinguishing system, hydraulic cutters and spreaders, while BFSCD will provide personal for the initiative. Capacity building training was provided to the fire fighters of BFSCD on the use of the equipment. The trainings are complementary to the ILO RMG Project’s fire prevention courses for workers and management in factories, conducted in line with international standards. The mini fire brigade will be staffed 24 hours a day with a target to respond, within the first critical 10-15 minutes, to both industrial fire and building collapses.
